Do You Want To Know The Russian Point Of View? Go To Sputnik


Boris Johnson is a certified liar, and I say certified, Mario Draghi lied about Covid and vaccines and the eurozone. Biden is another Liar-in-Chief who rigged the election and Nigel Farage is in Florida asking like a coward the Republicans to become cowards like him and deny the election fraud took place in 2020: he's a liar teaching other people to lie. We all know it did. What took place in 2020, so all these people who criminalise Putin we know for facts that they are liars who may be lying now just as well. If you wish to know Putin's and Lavrov's point of view your can go onto Sputnik News International here and compare the news.

The telegraph seems to think that after asking the Germans and the Britons not to be "nationalists" and to renounce energy independence now...well, don't get angry with Putin, if Germany kicks Putin's ass the Germans will remain without electricity and it's useless to get angry with Putin, you have to get angry with Greta, with "Carrie" a woman whose pronouns may be "They/them" I'm not joking, because we don't know how many people she represents when she talks, but at least three: herself, Alice Rothschild and her dumb ecologist husband Zac Goldsmith: "they Carrie" wanted this. 

Am I up to date? Am I not?