Deconstructing The Biden Administration. They Must All Go. The Pentagon, Soldiers have to impeach the President.

Deconstructing Joe Biden's Administration: they must all go

The soldiers cannot take orders from this President and Vice President, the Zombie in Chief denies reality and the Vice President Harris is a psychopath who laughs happily while the world is burning down:

Source DM

If the Pentagon Generals and Troops can take orders seriously from these people, we are in danger, in grave danger, please depose them. Speak frankly and depose also Nancy Pelosi, she is shaming herself, like her nephew Gavin Newsom, fines for maskless people but at her own party her guests are maskless, the servants - new slaves? - must wear the mask, like at Obama's dirty dancing party:


UPDATE: Only the Servants Wear Masks at Pelosi’s Chi-chi Napa Brunch (VIDEO)

Now you have two ways: either you decertify them all for election fraud and you take back Trump and Pence at the White House for the remnant three years - and you Americans should, because they did election fraud all or almost all of them - or you impeach them, but you must impeach also Harris, Harris scares me.

What's happening is dangerous for all:
From DM: American Journalist of the Washington Post saved from Afghanistan by British troops because the Sleeper in Chief, the mad one, didn't send the American troops rescuing American nationals and he is taking afghan refugees on the plane instead: this is what you do with your New World Order and anti-nationalism.

You're all in danger of being like Christopher Stevens now, also Obama is pitiless and Hillary Clinton a psycho, remember their pedophile friends and the sick art of John Pedesta, Clinton's top aide. What do you want?
This is your Commander in Chief:

He lies and your Vice-President Harris laughs, because she thinks you won't have the guts to remove them. Does she think well? Until what point?
He lies Biden because for him, to hide in a basement like a rat, and to go 10 minutes, 15 minutes in front of a camera and to lie, is the easiest thing to do until someone removes him, you have to punish him, he'll be attached to power forever, till the grave.
When he had to rig the elections he organized the job, the Operation Fraud 2020 was much better organised than the Operation Withdrawal from Afghanistan 2021. The Operation Withdrawal doesn't even exist. HE DID CLOSE THE EVACUATION OFFICE: don't forget, "the devil is in the details" and these are the - chilling - details.