AN ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH: Mark Levin's Epic Rant about Afghanistan. Plus Zuckerberg and Dorsey Side With The Taliban because Obama and the Democratic Party tell them so.


Mark Levin on Fox News 

This video is a must watch because it explains the situation in Afghanistan very quickly and very clearly. After all Obama freed the Terrorists who are terrorizing Afghanistan and ... Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey always ready to censor Republican politicians and conservative voices for "hate speech" "hate" "hate incitement" are letting the Taliban's twitter and Facebook accounts active from GTWP
Now we all know Facebook and twitter take orders like Hollywood liberals directly from the Democratic Party: Obama freed the terrorists, Biden withdrew the soldiers from Afghanistan to let them act undisturbed and Facebook and twitter are taliban friendly but not republican 2+2=4.
Remember that Obama was object of two conspiracy theories maybe true: one that he wasn't really born in the USA and produced a fake birth certificate, 2 that he is NOT a real christian, but a muslim who sided with the Muslim Brotherhood and finds taliban and jihadis like "the good ones in his culture".
They created the category of islamo-phobia and want "reparations from the whites", obviously they think badly of the so called "vanilla Americans" and side with the jihadis, perhaps for Obama to destroy the USA is Jihad. Biden is a sack of shit.
