A Brand New Italian Party For Freedom And Constitutional Rights: I May Vote Them

homepage of brand new UCDL


Neapolitan Lawyer Erich Grimaldi together with a group of physicians and attorneys has just founded a new Italian Party focused on restoring the constitutional rights of the Italians and against forced vaccination for natural immunity and to help sue the Government for the side effects of the vaccine that was actually compulsory due to the Green Pass, yesterday I read the saddest news of an Italian girl who committed suicide for the unbearable side effects of the vaccine source La Verità that she had to do to get the Green Pass or she would be cut off social life and university, jobs etc. the Italian State in this Government does not consider the hypothesis of a person who just cannot do the vaccine, for them they can die of hunger or depression:

source La Verità

Translation: "My daughter committed suicide after the second jab: the adverse side effects were unbearable". 

Te girl had lost autonomy, she could not live autonomously anymore and she killed herself.

This Party founded by attorney Grimaldi is neither left-wing nor right-wing but it is focused on restoring all the constitutional rights of the Italians, very matter of fact it is full of lawyers and doctors.

It goes without saying that for the USA and UK I remain strongly a supporter of the declared Centre-Rightwing Parties Republican and Tory. In Italy the situation kind of collapsed. 

Here's the translation of the article in Italian:


- *In Italy there's a discriminatory vaccine mandate for over 50ies no matter whether they feel fine or not ed. notes -

I state that for decency and conscience I link the official website of the new Grimaldi UCDL* Party - *Union for Cures Rights and Freedom ed. notes - even if I don't know what will happen to it, I don't know if, when we vote it will reach the threshold of 4% but it gives the possibility to report the adverse effects of the vaccine on the very same website and the injustices provoked by the Green Pass of proven medical uselessness, as well as discussing natural immunization, the fact that, contrary to what Health Minister Speranza, Salvini & Co. say healing gives you antibodies and it is not true that you still have to do two doses of vaccine after the healing source. I could vote them, I am undecided among the following parties: FdI, Italexit, Alternativa, and these here of the UCDL, but these here tempt me more because the Party is in the hands of doctors and lawyers, that is people who are not Oompa Loompas who do not know what they say like Salvini and DiMaio. That is, if there is a vaccine or a person's antibody status to report or to analyze, they KNOW how to do it, being doctors. Beware of another detail: on Repubblica - the leftwing newspaper that backs the Draghi Government - they lie. DeBenedetti and Elkann pay journalists to tell lies. IT IS NOT TRUE that recovery plus two doses of the vaccine give superimmunity worth ... 18 months, it is true instead that they want to vaccinate EVERYBODY regularly once a year. Eighteen months is a year plus six months, the vaccine hasn't even been there for eighteen months, it is not true that they have tests that say that a recovered from Covid after six months if he takes two doses of vaccine then has antibodies for others eighteen months, because they announced the vaccine in November 2020, with only three months of experimentation, we are in February 2022, even if one got sick and healed in August 2021 add 6 months of Green Pass for healing, then add another month for the two doses and we arrive in February 2022 that is now, add these fateful other 18 months of immunity and you gatecrash into the future according to this "test" Repubblica talks about - clearly they did no test they just lie to push healed people to get vaccinated - we should be in 2024. All these people who talk about Science seemingly know no mathematics, right?

January 2020 they found the virus, in November 2020 they already had four vaccines, add six months from healing you reach May 2021, plus one month for the two doses you reach June 2021, add 12 months, one year and you are already at June 2022, plus the other 6 months to reach 18 months super-immunity and we should be in December 2022, today is just "I'm sorry" 24 February 2022: they lie, they have no test, and they cannot even count from 1 to 20. Ignorant people talking about science.

Meloni will forgive me, but I want to vote for these here because unlike her I am not vaccinated and I do not want to get vaccinated against a disease that's nothing, my brother graduates from the Conservatory in Pianoforte and I still do not know what happens to me if we go to the restaurant (I have no Green Pass and I don't want it). Now you know in Britain why the Rebels were so right.

Covid is over but there is still the State of Emergency in Italy till the 31st of March and there are still Green Pass and Super Green Pass until then, then after the end of the State of Emergency there will no longer be the reinforced Super Green Pass but there will be the basic Green Pass all summer, will this government ever collapse?

I believe that it is clear that Salvini, Giorgetti, Berlusconi and Gelmini claiming they are Centre-Rightwing in reality they are political opponents to fight against, if we look at the polls, today the Center-Right coalition still oscillates between 47% and 51% of the votes if Salvini and Berlusconi considered the Center-Right the first choice and the alliance with the PD, Article One and 5 Stars the second choice they would make the government fall to go and vote, and instead they do not think about it, in my opinion it is obvious that they consider the CDX the second choice and being there with PD and Article One (leftwing parties) and 5 Stars the first option. What can I do about it? Remember Giorgia (Meloni) that they did not even give one vote to Carlo Nordio (our candidate for the Quirinal after Casellati) not even one, they abstained, and then voted en masse for Mattarella bis. But forget it. Erich will be the good Grimaldi. As for the compulsory vaccination for the over 50s, tell Putin (he's over 50). Why can't the over 50s even have the swab option if they really don't want to get vaccinated? And again we are still talking about swabs, and moreover, the newspaper La Verità says that the rules for Italians are tougher than for the tourists who still have to swab themselves and put on a mask indoors while instead to go to Spain and stay in the Spanish hotels they haven't got any restriction. What would you choose? Source La Verità: "Farce: the Italian is contagious, the tourist isn't"

I would never come on vacation to Italy. This is the worst government of the worst, where they are all worse, worse than in Spain and worse than in England. But what are we talking about?