Israel Isolated in its Fake Pride: Nike and Sally Roony boycott the Country, after Ben & Jerry the West Bank.

clip from DM article

There is something voluntarily unpleasant and blatantly racist in this new (horrible) Levi's campaign, the fatness of the female model is associated to her blackness, it's like, got rid of the Nick Kamen & sexy chick's type of models now Levi's - Levi's I mean - goes woke, but the model is not just African American she is also clearly overweight, it's like she wears the sweatpants for sitting down more comfortably on the sofa and eat more sweets watching television not so much for going out training. This is it, now that it's the Blacks' turn, it's also the fat's turn, the lesbians' turn, not too much lesbian though, a black lesbian was sacked from a charity pro LGBT committee because she doesn't think transwomen are women - but it's like it's no more the turn of the sexy girls and fit men, now blackness being associated to fatness and homosexuality is clearly, subtly, considered a physical defect, in Italy they went on adding also people with disabilities. No black people feel offended?

They are voiceless if they feel offended, or perhaps another interview conceded by Candace to Fox News to complain about the association. But look at the article in the middle of the publicity, another Israel boycott, and kind of they'd deserve it, the Jews are up in arms against islamophobia, for the rights of minorities, in Israel they have a company to sell... not Israeli properties because they sell the Israeli properties only to the Jews sic, but American properties to rich muslim people, in the USA people have to stay all together and shut up, but in Israel ... theres' apartheid; In Sally Rooney's words:

Dear Israelis, you reap what you seed, like everybody else, now also Nike stopped the contract with all Israeli clothes shops but will go on selling online and delivering like with Amazon or with other shipping companies, but there won't be any more NIKE shops in Israel:

Source: Nike no longer selling in Israel 

And another important news is that the Israeli Government doesn't want to concede about re-opening the US Consulate in Jerusalem for the Americans to reach out to Palestinian authorities, because they fear the Muslims may want properties in Israel and not in the USA source Newsmax the consulate had been closed by the Trump-Kushner Administration, it was a very bad thing for the Palestinians, I had endorsed Trump but I always said I disagreed with this decision, now Biden wants to reopen it but the Israeli authorities don't want it and the boycott goes on, not just the West Bank and not just Ben & Jerry:

I told you, for twenty-twentyfour we take a better duplex than Trump-Kushner, there's no treason, there's just political projects that need better organization of the Middle East than the one Kushner and Trump would do. And if Trump wants Jared as second most powerful man in the Administration he has to run with him, the Administration wasn't so much Trump-Pence, it was Trump-Kushner, run with Jared so people know. Jared & Ivanka make me sick. There are people who want DeSantis-Scott (Ricky), me I'd go tough with Prince-Paul, the important thing is to do these primaries with respect. There's no treason, there's another wider political project.