SHOCK AFTER SHOCK: US or Afghan AirForce Pilots flee Away with Aircrafts and the Pentagon doesn't know where they are. Princess Soraya says Americans run away like thieves of hens.

 First shocking news of the day related to the Afghan withdrawal of the Troops, never seen anything done like this, 

Source GTWP US Lost Several Military Aircraft that Were Flown Out of Afghanistan – They Have No Idea How Many Were Lost — VIDEO

It Gets Worse.
During their totally pathetic press conference today at the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and woke General Mark Milley admitted that Afghan pilots flew several US aircraft out of the country. They think they were flown to Uzbekistan or Tajikistan but they are not sure.

They also have no idea how many were taken.

A noble woman of the Middle East Princess Soraya exile in France says the Americans behave like thieves of hens source

Soraya the Princess despises the Americans 

“What is happening to my people is a tragedy. We Afghans knew it would happen. For some time there had been talk of agreements with the Taliban. They all failed. NATO, the West, the Americans. Welcomed as liberators, fled as thieves of hens “. This is what Princess Soraya of Afghanistan, granddaughter of King Amanullah, an enlightened and reformist ruler, deposed in 1929 after an armed insurrection, declared in an exclusive interview with Adnkronos. And Soraya added in the interview: “However, it was not expected that everything would be consumed so suddenly and without an agreement to protect the rights of women and the population. It all happened within a few hours. Agreements had been made to leave, but not to leave a country in disarray and terror. “‘I fear for the women and girls, for the activists, for all the collaborators who have worked for the reconstruction, abandoned to their Destiny ‘Defeat of the United States, capitulation of the West,’ betrayed promises, an indelible stain for all ‘, wrote the French writer and philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy in a national newspaper. “At the moment it is the fate of the Afghan people that interests me – confessed Princess Soraya – Welcomed 20 years ago with open arms, as liberators, left as torturers”. “I repeat – he added – I am not interested in the failure of the West and the US in Afghanistan, but the fate of my people, I fear above all for the women, for the girls, for the activists who have had so much courage in recent years, I fear for all the collaborators who worked for the reconstruction and who are now abandoned to their fate. “‘I see a stabilization of the Taliban, I doubt that they have changed, we would not have seen the scenes of despair at the airport’ Princess Soraya promised that it will continue, even from a distance, to support its people and the women of Afghanistan, to make its voice heard, also thanks to the foundation it created, to help numerous local NGOs. “It is difficult to return to Afghanistan, I am always the granddaughter of King Amanullah and Queen Soraya, who in the twenties of the twentieth century promulgated reforms in favor of women. In these hours my commitment is to help a widow, the wife of a dead doctor of a heart attack 3 years ago, and his 5 girls – he explained to Adnkronos – We are part of a profoundly male-dominated society, women do not count, if widows are then considered waste “. What do you hope, what do you expect for your country the princess of Afghanistan? “There must be a future – he replied – There was talk of a divided people, of ethnic groups and tribes, a subtle and sneaky game, first by the Russians, then by the Americans. Forty years of war … – he concluded- At the moment I see a Taliban ‘stabilization’.


Dearest Soraya, it is already a mistake to rely on the "Americans" people should rely on themselves and have friends, allied and collaborators. George W Bush did wrong in going to Afghanistan and bring democracy, it is something the Afghans were not interested in, first of all. 

It is damn difficult to be like the Westerners, I see people who convert to Christianity to try to become as lucky as the westerners but it doesn't work, because the West is not deeply Christian  it is Christianity hybridized with atheist philosophies, Voltaire and even strongly and mockingly anti-clerical stances, all mixed and shaken in the name of freedom of speech. You cannot even explain to them how it works, if you try, they think you're a hypocrite or a crazy.

Here's a good video by Harris Faulconer interviewing Brian Kilmeade on the actual situation: