WAR On Men: Women Can Sue For Sex Assault Even If They Had Orgasm During the Sexual Activity

the dry and the fresh

 Be careful what you wish for and be careful what you fight for. If you are still straight, Netflix didn't convince you that you are better off as a lesbian and some men  around you weren't still conviced to cut it off and then sue the NHS for castration, no one understands anything anymore more my dear Readers, I read on the Daily Mail of today that a man sues the NHS in Britain becasue after asking and agreeing gender reassignemt surgery he said the day after he understood he got castrated and became incontinent, keeps on urinating unvolutarily:

source Daily Mail

It's better to be slightly "sexist": cocky boys must be praised, at least they don't ask for actual castration telling the doctor "what did you do to me?" the day after, they like to have the penis, they like to be men, they are also straight and they for the Left are the problem. Which of course they are not: the problem is the Left not the men.

You know what? I want the National Health Service to pay and the "doctors" to be arrested for what they did to this man, there's a lot of misleading talks about castration, they call it "gender reassignment" why don't they call it castration? You tell them they become female, that they become women why don't you tell them they become castrated men? 

And the war on men goes on.

The lovers, the Casanovas, the ones who can let a woman have an orgasm, they can get sued for sex assault just the same, because she did have an orgasm but... her mind and her body were disconnected - ??? - so she legally was "victim of sex assault" just the same source Daily Mail (the Daily Mail is funny, isn't it?)

Quote from the precious article: 


Sex expert Tracey Cox revealed earlier this year that not all orgasms are wanred. 

She said that some people experience orgasm by accident in non-sexual situations and when they don't want to – like during breastfeeding or exercise (exercise-induced orgasms do occur).

Some victims of sexual assault experience orgasm during the attack: a clear sign that our brain and body can have an extreme disconnect.

This is called 'arousal nonconcordance' – when your mind and body are out of sync.


They are evil. I wouldn't call it "arousal non concordance" I would call it "she likes it like this":

Remember Lady GaGa's "Poker Face"?  Some women, if not all, are like that: Min. 1:29 "Russian roulette is not the same without a gun, and baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun" so at that point she shouldn't sue or she shouldn't win the cause if she does. These Allred women cannot impose their culture to the others.


Some other people find orgasm painful, others feel guilty if they've had one with someone they shouldn't be having sex with.


Still he has to got o jail, hasn't he?

This is your female life, dear woman, make no mistake it's your fault:

high and dry: half men castrated and the other half in jail

Don't get angry with me, I do what I can.


I would abolish the category of #metoo and sex experts, who's a sex expert? The most horrible thing of the #metoo movement is the damage they do also to straight women with their obsession of sending all men to jail guilty and not guilty, this daughter and mother the two New York Jewesses who run the #metoo club Gloria Allred and her daughter and have won incredible rape trial causes, they should be removed from society: they are evil.