Do Not Forget That Under Trump We Had The Fake Pandemic And Were Shut @Home

I think the son of Elon Musk before entering a clinic and change name and lame his own body has to go and live a couple of years with his grandmother or with his father.

Spare me the mother telling him on Twitter "I'm proud of you".

Certain women, they take revenge on the children when they hate the husband or ex-husband, Xavier must leave the house of the mother an go and live with his grandparents. Medea can wait "I kill our children so you suffer"seems to think. I know I shouldn't judge and I know I am being partial on Elon's side, but really we are upset, that these kids, young men in a state of confusion can go and do surgery to change - laming - permanently their body, from the chin job of those fat girls who think they have to square up their faces and look in disharmony, it doesn't make any sense on that soft a bit round body to have a square tough face like the face on an anorexical.

But I want to talk about something else:

two comments on the Trump/DeSantis talk of the town taken from The New York Post

The Trump/DeSantis political talks, I read a couple of comments on the New York Post and some of them were interesting: they reminded us that Trump appointed/confirmed Fauci at the NIAID and under Trump we had the Covid Pandemic, so that guy said he doesn't want to vote him again, another one said that under Trump we had the mega-Riots. Yes, there is this idea that we all have to be very unkind or even wishing him bad things or else worshipping him, this Trump, but there is also another idea: we think he did big mistakes but perhaps in good faith, we don't want him again because we want a better one, not because we hate him, we are no Nancy Pelosi.

Don't you forget that you cannot set up illegal biolabs in Ukraine in a couple of months, the hell happening in Ukraine was organised by the US State Department probably when Trump was still President and he didn't understand what was going on in the agencies. But we know he sacked Tillerson anyway, so he wanted "a change" in the State Department only we don't know why, it was Jared who wanted a change, that's it, but to do what? The biolabs? I may not believe it, but I don't understand and I don't like the results.

Fauci, appointed by Trump funded with US taxpayers' money the biolabs in China from where they say Covid exploded, even if David Icke says Covid does not even exist and the chinese biolab story was an entertaining made up conspiracy theory, and Jared or Pompeo or people in the State Department set up these illegal biolabs in Ukraine with US taxpayers' money and now we have WWIII at the door, and yes it is Biden's and Blinken's fault but it's not things you can organsie in 6 months: an illegal bioweapon lab in Eastern Europe and not to mention the one in China, the US funded biolab in Wuhan, and the pandemic and the riots. He does not control the Administration, Trump, it's unbelievable that some people in the Centre-Right political spectrum still want him, waiting for another pandemic, another State Department run so and so, the Riots everywhere and the President totally unaware of what is going on, the President who cannot even imagine a solution.

Forgive me if I say there are men who can do better than this, they are a few, but there are,  perhaps we should have insisted with Rand 2016, perhaps it's our fault, yes I forgive him Trump, as I forgive myself but no, I wouldn't send him back there. He said "I am your law and order President" ??? where was law and order? He doesn't control it, stop with this idea he has to go back there, apart that they may rig the election again, and again Trump was clueless, you know what I think.