"Kyle Rittenhouse is a White Suprematist & Caitlyn Jenner is a Woman" Democrats say. What can you do about it?

Glenn Greenwald's article via ZeroHedge


WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT? First of all, you have to understand that "that" is just the Democrats' way of talking it is not "reality" or "fact", it is instead "another English" where "woman" has another meaning and "White Suprematist" or "Supremacist" has another meaning.

Then you have to understand another thing: they perfectly know you use English the classic way, and by White Supremacist you mean the KKK and by woman you mean an adult female. Stop. You and I can talk the same language the Left-wingers are talking another language.

It is useless to go after the Left-wingers because they voluntarily use the words with another meaning pretending that's "the given meaning" whereas it's not a given meaning, it is a "woke meaning".

You speak English, they speak Woke-English. Ok?

Like "sexist", like "rape", like "toxic masculinity". Like in the end, the magic word "consent". For them sex is rape, for you "forced sex" is rape. For them a woman who says "no" "stop it" withdraws sexual consent, for them a woman who fakes an orgasm and doesn't say "no" to a man who wants to kiss her or is already in the middle of an intercourse if she doesn't say "yes, go on" every five minutes she is not giving real consent, and if she does she may be thwarted to do it because she wants a job from the man. So a man will never try an approach with a woman and if he does he has to stop and wonder every five minutes because even if she doesn't say "no" that's not automatically consent the same, perhaps because she drank or for other reasons, they should make it illegal drunk sex at this point, but millennials they don't do it the same and they are set to masturbate on Metaverse as a possible legal solution source ZeroHedge.

What can you do? I tell you:

1) Focus on the Republican primaries and vote and push conservative candidates, purge the Republican Party of the RINOs.

2) Focus on the Election System and block any attempt to mail-in votes and voting machines source TheGateWayPundit the Democrats know they either rig the election or they are f***. Asked about "why did they choose Biden as a candidate for 2020? He's so old..." a Rightwing intellectual, Maurizio Blondet, said "They are scrapping the bottom of the barrel, they've got no one new in the Party". 

You must get busy in politics, politely discuss the rape trial law, the consent, lack of consent, etc. and inform people you use the words according to their classic meaning aka Caitlyn Jenner is not a woman and Kyle Rittenhouse is not a white supremacist. There's no reason for us to talk like them.


Of course the possibilities that Rittenhouse is a White Supremacist are higher than the possibilities that Caitlyn Jenner is a woman, but that's another discourse, to do among right-minded people.