The "Pipeline" Moral Problem: Russia or Algeria? I'd say Russa. Forgive me, Marina

the precious pipeline

The last is this, I heard it on television and it has some absurdity in it: "against the war" instead of buying gas from Russia we should buy oil from Algeria and get it up from Italy to Germany. It seems silly to me, Algeria makes wars all the time, let alone the accusations of infringing human rights which at a certain point become pedantic. I note with regret that we should / must always buy gas or oil from someone else, we cannot have our own, and so I prefer to buy it from Putin. I don't want to give even more money and more power to another Arab-Muslim bloc that treats women like rags and does the same for wars. Saudi Arabia is enough of this.

A joke from Infowars: Why are all Western pedophiles against Putin? The British Royals and Marina Abramovich ... source Infowars