When You Talk About Ballot Harvesting, You Talk About People Who Do This:

Democrat activist discussing politics

My opposition to mail in ballots and ballot harvesting is due to the fact that it breaches greatly your right to privacy because it authorizes Party activists to become political peeping Toms, they ask you the vote and if you don't give them you have to justify yourself against people like this:

Now imagine this guy, the big black boy with a bandana on his mouth, or the white little nasty girl with the gorilla mask and her friend the skinhead and imagine you have to tell them in "their" neighborhoods that you want to vote for Larry Elder or for a white Republican, they are so aggressive and Larry has the bodyguards, a security detail, imagine what they do to people who have no such protection, probably you must give them your ballot and they can even check if it is voted for the Democrats, or better, for the Democrats they like.

It is violence and it is against the right to privacy, ballot harvesting and mail in ballots must be outlawed.

At least one Democrat is against bullying the political adversary and he is Kevin Paffrath:

Do you agree with him? And perhaps you're a Democrat? For Barack Obama you just don't exist, he goes on  calling this Recall the Republican Recall:

Anyway, I think I know you'll vote YES to the recall. When Kevin Paffrath was winning with 27% of the preferences a real good Democratic Party should invite him to some big speech and think "this is the future" "He's a Democrat and a winner" instead they ignored him, he's not corrupted and for them, Pelosi, Newsom, Obama "he does not exist" Do YOU exist? VOTE YES TO THE RECALL. And choose a new Governor, a clean one.

Paola Distilo