Ah Keanu Eats Meat, Rides Motorbike ...He was Always the Incarnation of Modernity For Me

Keanu Charles Reeves


Keanu Reeves is all but woke - still he works in Hollywood - he eats the steak, drinks whisky (at times) rides the motorbike and goes on doing action movies. I have a special affection for Keanu Reeves, a bit like for Tom Brady, so longlasting, and youthful, I like people who look genuinely fit and young beyond my age, they are a cushion for me "I relax on them" "Keanu Reeves is like this at 53, I'm just 45" "Tom Brady won the super-bowl at 44 our generation is the best , we never grew up, we never grew old". But I have an impression of Keanu that goes back to the nineties from when he was the poster boy together with River Phoenix and girls all across the globe could ask one another "Do you like Keanu or do you like River?" and he's still there on top of some poster "like the wine, the older the better" . A bit like "Do you like Axl or do you like Slash?" we all were supposed to like these public boyfriends for all girls in the world Hollywood gave us, but Keanu had something, something specific for me: he was the brand of modernity. I don't know why, from the poster with River to the very advanced-world story of the gay boy who likes women too and leaves behind the fragile one, to Speed, to finally it goes without saying The Matrix, more modern than modernity: Keanu for me was the incarnation of the top of modernity, the one who could live in the advanced sector of society at a world stage level. Even now, even John Wick I perceive it as "modernity" unbreakable, inoxidizable, the China, Japan cartoon about the future face but still western like the protagonists of the manga futuristic cartoons, that were asian Japanese but looked western just the same. And they were the future, like Cyberpunk.

So he eats meat, no vegan, drinks whisky and shoots and still this is the future, if Keanu does this, the woke won't prevail. Because Keanu is the modernity, and the woke is already the past. It didn't last long, like a snowflake.