Portland police look for exit, say they’re ‘burned out’: report
Portland was the center of some of the country’s most destructive protests in 2020
The always well groomed and a little "posh" Fox Journalists they give the news, they do it, but one: that the Democrats impose their absurd far-leftwing agenda by rigging the Election, and as long as they deny voter fraud it's all about the Americans sort of "having chosen this far leftwing agenda". So, in the interesting and well done Fox Video, I may quote by heart: in Portland-Oregon 2000% increase in homicides, black people mostly hit by the surge in crime - who cares? they're no George Floyd - Ted Wheeler, the Democrat mayor looks like a crazy, he wants more money to stand up to the rioters, far-leftists, but it's him who defunded the Police and blocks the Police from using the anti-riot tools, etc. etc. but after condemning this situation the Fox journalist is keen, too keen to add "But the citizens decided this" they voted for this, for Ted Wheeler again. Yes, the citizens voted for Ted Wheeler, for Ocasio-Cortez, for Ihlan Omar ... only it's untrue, we still link Fox News videos and articles but it's always like they tell you it's a mess but the citizens chose these Democrat Politicians: they deny the voter fraud. So and so, the citizens chose, In Portland they could choose between Ted Wheeler and an AntiFa activist called Sarah Iannarone, In San Francisco in Nancy Pelosi's district the only alternative to Nancy Pelosi was another left-winger more extreme than Pelosi, perhaps less irritating, there is a strategy against the Republican Party not just against Trump in many areas where the Democrats do rig the elections through non-identified voting, bussing around their on people and letting them vote multiple times, and various criminal bullying tactics, in certain areas there's no Republican Party anymore at all. This is why the Republicans must stand all together and concede nothing to the Democrats and this is why the Democrats are so much against the fraud-suppression bills. There is the idea, the suspicion about Murdoch and NewsCorp playing the (un)fair game that they give the news but they deny the voter fraud, which is like saying the Americans are dumb in voting Ted Wheeler and Biden and the Democrats, even a rubbish Democrat like Ihlan Omar, so in a way they deserve them: they treat them too well the Democrats, they do like Lachlan Murdoch says "Loyal Opposition" but they don't deserve it, this "loyal" word before "opposition", no one of the Democratic Party deserves it, they are cheap people also Obama: they did rig the elections, this is why no matter what anyone says these anti-fraud bills are vital. I would like the Republicans to despise the Democrats at all levels.