DARPA In Contact With Reptilians And Masters Of Zuckerberg and Elon Musk

David Icke 

The new pleasantly shocking video by David Icke about the role of Mark Zuckerberg and the real function of Metaverse is here:

Well, DARPA that means Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, an advanced research agency inside the Pentagon that created Internet allegedly is in control both of Facebook and of Tesla and Space X whereas Zuckerberg and Musk according to Icke are just front men because the Military don't want to come out, in the secret underground bases of DARPA, a real American agency and a bold one, there would be contacts between the humans and the reptilians who want to destroy the world, and take it over from humanity therefore the fake vaccination program to sterilize and damage humans and the anti-white-guy agenda because the leaders of the human world are overwhelmingly white guys* - even though there is a peculiar obsession with white-straight-guys perhaps because they can easily be fathers -. If you destroy the white guys you destroy the leadership of humanity.

All the Left and the Vatican and the Royal Houses are controlled by the Reptilians and they form a net:

Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell with the Pope 

Epstein with Bill Clinton

Epstein with Prince Andrew

Now the Church, the Royals and the Democratic Party of whom Epstein was the pimp, the procurer of little girls, whereas Savile was the procurer of little boys, probably also Podesta, they're all in a Cult and they want to vaccinate you, to destroy you, to weaken you and to control you.

David Icke puts his face and his legal name on his books and speeches. Metaverse is a system to suck you into a virtual reality and control your actions and even your thoughts. And we already live in a virtual reality. Perhaps we die because our real body is not fed properly, imagine that you have the illusion of eating and a fake feeling of being sated but in reality you haven't eaten almost anything so you think you are sated but your real body is deprived of energy and it grows old and dies, this is what I thought. Because if the virtual reality gives me feelings that are like the real ones, similar to the real ones, I may eat virtually feeling sated but my real body may be deprived. Then, what's the real body? Where is it?

Have the Reptilians already trapped us?

And if you think it's unreal that humans are in contacts with the Reptilians, well in the Genesis of the Bible a Reptilian, the Snake, approaches Eve, a Human, so it may happen again.
In the Catholic Church there are priests who talk to demons, or hear voices talking to them, this happens also to people who are not catholic exorcists or are not catholics or christians at all.

Anyway this vaccine folly must end and... is Donald Trump on the side of the Reptilians too? It's Trump that did Warp Speed, after all. Our "Anakin Skywalker", but perhaps he's just clueless. What do you think?

Paola - Vote Rand For President 2024 - the only one who came out saying "I'm not vaccinated and I'm not going to get vaccinated". The refusal of recognition to natural immunity to Covid-19 may be due to the fact that the (fake) vaccine is aimed at something else NOT at developing immunity to Covid.