Dear Putin, Don't Release The Azov Fighters: I Don't Want Them

Russian soldier


As you can see the war in Ukraine or better in the Donbass - Luhansk and Donetsk - is proceeding well, the Russians and the Donbass Russian speaking population are winning against the Neo-Nazis and the US, EU, UK and Israeli mercenaries. It should be over soon. Almost all the Azov Fighters who are still alive are in the hands of the Russians and from Europe and perhaps the USA there are requests of liberating them and sending them back to the West or to Ukraine Source Il Giornale : I don't want them - I speak from Italy - not even in the least I want the Azov Fighters back to Ukraine after what they did, killing and torturing the Ukrainians who criticize Zelensky, that want free and fair elections or say openly they'd like to vote for an opposition party, one of those Zelensky closed imprisoning the leaders of. And even less if among the "Azov Fighters" into quotation marks, there are Italians, Americans, Israelis, French, Britons & Co. I want them back here in the West: these people are the wrong warriors, they betrayed our Countries for money or for belonging to a sect, as Tulsi Gabbard says it for the USA and it can be applied to Italy and the UK too: our elected Congress and Parliament never voted for a war against Russia, it was all about helping refugees and sending weapons to Ukraine. That was wrong enough - refugees apart, if the money ever reached them -  but we are not at war and if some of our Nationals are there in Ukraine as Azov fighters or as foreign fighters they are there as mercenaries or personally obeying actually privately to State Officers like Blinken or Draghi who abused power of Office, aka used soldiers for their own personal will without following the democratic procedure of a Congress / Parliamentary vote and approval AND they shouldn't have. It is called in Italian "Abuso d'Ufficio" it means "Abuse of Office" it's like when a person is an appointed or elected Officer and he is physically present in the Offices of the Republic but does what he likes with the telephone and the secretariat power of the office but not following the law.

These people, these strange mercenaries who obey Blinken and not the USA or Boris Johnson and not the UK if they exist we don't want them back, because they're no patriots, they abused people and obeyed a Sect built inside the State but not the State. The very idea that I have to clap hands to the neo-Nazis of the Azov battalion and call them heroes makes me vomit. We are accused of being fascists or white supremacists here in the West by the likes of Blinken - a Left-winger and a Jew - for wanting the border of the Country secured and the repatriation of the illegal immigrants but his men then can train Neo-Nazis in Ukraine: we don't like this game. If these people die for us is better, Blinken will have a total defeat and won't be able to send others anywhere for the next wicked game, but if you don't want to kill them because you are better than I you can keep them as prisoners in Russia. 

We try to remove the sanctions but this people, the Azov and the mercenaries, don't send them back here. We do what we can.


We are fed up with asking ourselves why Blinken, Nuland, Kagan, Kolomoysky and Zelensky who are all Jews, Kolomoysky is also Israeli, have financed and trained with American money and perhaps even Israeli money a Neo-Nazi group, I don't understand anything of what they do, anything that the Left does, from the open border, to the LGBT agenda to this one of arming Neo-Nazis while accusing us Centre-Rightwingers of being White Supremacists and fascists, perhaps they fancy themselves "clever", I've given up trying "to understand".