Trump's Rally Half Empty. Abramovich? Exempt From Sanctions Because He's A Jew And Israeli...

I've always said, from the beginning that I am against the sanctions against Russian Oligarchs and that the way they treated Abramovich in Britain is disgusting. And racist against the Russians - So I'm partially happy the sanctions against him where lifted. The official reason is he gave Putin a piece of paper with a peace proposal written by Zelensky one of many sources. Which may be also true, but the big deal is that Abramovich like Zelensky, like Blinken, like Nuland and like Kolomoysky is a Jew and an Israeli.

There's this idea that a group of Jews with two or three passports have to lead us the West like the masses of christians are idiotic and this is wrong. It is due to the fact that the zionist Jewish Israeli bankers Rothschilds for a reason or another control our economy and they must be stopped. I don't accept any Jewish superior Caste and I can't see why a fake catholic man like Boris Johnson should not exempt from the sanctions also the Christian Russian Oligarchs. Believe me, they want to get rid of Putin because he doesn't accept the globalist jewish caste to be above him. Boris Johnson, the Windsors, Donald Trump accepted it. Perhaps Biden hasn't.

Trump's rally in Georgia

As for the Donald his rally in Georgia is half empty source:

It was about time, I don't want any crazy who takes orders form the Jewish son in law always in the corner who has it against patriots and peace.

Ron DeSantis, Glenn Youngkin can win the Presidential, perhaps if we do well also Rand Paul may win - he's a Senator, he's not a Governor you have less to show off of practical Governing successes, but he's tough and says true things, always lived up to his high moral standard. And don't you believe you need all those money then to run the election campaign. In Virginia at a local level a trucker of the Republican Party who invested only  $ 4,000 in the campaign won against a super rich pumped millionaire of the Democratic Party.

Internet is for free. You don't need to pay for expensive television campaign or for the Newsweek central advertising page. At a local level, if people like you for all the posts you have to campaign in one district only and it's Congressman, District Attorney - it's big jobs btw - you may need 4,000 dollars - go to school to the Virginia trucker -; for Governor perhaps a little more and for President still a bit more: but it is untrue you need the millions in donations of Soros to win. Get busy instead, darling.