If I Were Putin I Would Bomb Zelensky And Get Rid Of Him. He Knows The Building Where Z Is

According to Col. MacGregor Putin does not want to kill Zelensky because he wants a man to discuss the peace talks with. And that man must be Zelensky - but why? another one would be better for us - always according to Col. MacGregor Putin hasn't won yet, only because he's avoiding killing civilians, the precise opposite of what certain press is peddling: that he is willingly targeting civilians.

I would do the opposite. After all these innocents have died or were displaced Zelensky must die. Caius Iulius Caesar killed Vercingetorix, the head of the Gaules' resistance. The Gaules had surrendered.

If he really knows where Zelensky is he has to bomb him and get rid of him.

I can't stand Queen Elizabeth going to church with Prince Andrew while little girls are exploited, she has never apologized for teaching her children the very wrong values, or this... friendship among enemies at the highest level: so everybody else must be killed, but not the boss, "the boss" we respect him, I don't.

There's no hope for the peace talks, Zelensky wants WWIII doesn't want the peace talks, at the latest peace talks they didn't even touch the surface of the desk they were discussing at for fear of getting poisoned on the skin, the peace talker Abramovich was poisoned, Zelensky's envoy to these peace talks Denys Kyreyev was assassinated by him for suspicion of being a Russian spy, what kind of peace talks do you want to do in these conditions? In a place where everybody but you is doing the dual game?

So Z.

Kill Zelensky and menace to use the atomic bomb if they don't leave you in peace. They say bad things about you just the same, the same people who say good things about the Queen of England who raised dirty traumatized children they say bad things about Putin and they lie. I don't accept everybody dead but Zelenskyy and Putin shaking hands like Prince Charles and Gerry Adams because after we all die and starve for the sanctions perhaps Stalin, Eisenhower and Churchill will make peace and they will be among the few to have survived rich in palaces, have the statues and Boris Johnson calls them heroes: "they" never surrender with other people's skin. Churchill could drink champagne and live in 5 stars hotels with silk bedsheet during the war, and he obese is "the hero"... in fact the Britons didn't vote him PM after the war, they voted Attlee that according to Churchill was a no one (ohhh). Let alone what they say about the relationship between Churchill and Mussolini: they were all friends and sacrificed their own citizens, all subjects, also in the Republics. I am not like this.

Z is lucky with Putin, I would have killed him for the first. And the villa in Miami burnt down. And no Russian sanctions, because I have a new motto: I serve the world, serving myself.

Paola Distilo


All these pigs selling weapons to help the Ukrainian resistance and giving me sanctions they are lucky I am where I am, I would nationalize Beretta and arrest the family: these fucking 4 pigs are destroying Italy to get fatter than they already are. I would do the other way round than they did on the Britannia, always with the Queen of England meddling with other Countries: I'd do the anti-privatization, I don't want to help any Zelenskyy's resistance, and I don't want to endure any sanctions. I'd like to kill his supporters and the big ones together with him. End of. 

It's not about Tucker telling me I'll get poorer, I won't get poorer.

Kill Zelesnky and nationalise the weapons factories. Beretta can masturbate alone in prison, not in front of kids if they are another bunch of rich pedophiles, I'm getting tired of them.