UPDATE: Biden Pays Zelensky $500 M In Cash To Refuse Peace Talks & Prolong The War

We all know where Zelensky's money end: it's for himself, his villas around the world and to bribe his clique, they often change the money in cash and run away with suitcases full of millions source, I'm not joking we saw it already at the boundary line with Hungary:

the money found by the Hungarian custom officers: Ukrainian relatives of Zelensky's top Government members and Ministers robbed it and brought it away, now Biden send them more

Now we all know what they do with the money: they are the most corrupted Country in Europe, Ukraine that does not, must not, surrender, and sick with selling, losing and spending weapons or humanitarian aid like brioches and rice, they asked Biden for cash, he gave them: because unfortunately it's this sick part of the US Government and of the State Department that's asking them to continue to do the war against Putin for them, and they do it if adequately paid, I give you the screen shots from Fox News, as you can read this last tranche $ 500 M is "direct budgetary aid" it's cash to the politicians, it's not plaids, and food and medicines and/or guns... I'd never give money to Zelensky, maybe the Senate can stop this. How disgusting:

Liar and robber - sick man

After the bargain Zelensky communicated the world that he will refuse autonomy to Luhansk and Donetsk and wants back Crimea, he'll fight until Putin - sic Putin - gives HIM - ??? - Luhansk, Donetsk and back Crimea, which is impossible Source Infowars - Like this the war can last forever, until Putin conquers all of Ukraine, kills Zelensky and splits the world in two: China rightly said they side with Russia. Western media, at times are so offensive they cannot be read, Fox News can tell the Chinese and the Russians and perhaps I don't know also the Indians "We the civilized world" meaning the West and they the savages... shut up, please! Even I feel embarrassed, don't talk at all, idiot:

screen shot from Fox News

this is all a lie, it's untrue they targeted civilians and they know it

The civilized world allegedly? Hunter Biden on crack a crack pipe gifting unelected President who won by voter fraud? Fox News who covers up the election fraud? Or the Trans claiming they're women? And the fetish Education appointee trans gay who treats men like dogs - out of metaphor - go at the UN and tell them they savages you civilized, you Jane they Tarzan, cretin. Sack him, Murdoch.

Putin? or Xi Jinping?

Come on, say NO to everybody that comes from the Left, from the Democrats. And stop Brown Jackson, stop paedo-disney, an Epstein-exploited girl said "Disney taught me Princes were good, it's their fault if I trusted them"... they may make a movie with this guy... revolting, revolting...Revolting Biden, revolting Brown Jackson, revolting Paedo-Disney, revolting the Queen of England with her sons...revolting Epstein, Maxwell...Bravo DeSantis, and partially also Putin. And I'm glad that China sides with Russia, but yes, pay gas and oil in Rubles, fuck off, Biden killed the dollar to do this, he killed it, not Putin. But with these $ 500 M Zelensky cannot buy gas, and I know Putin controls the Reactors and the pipeline, it's untrue that Zelensky re-took control of the territory, I mean the strategic assets I think they are controlled by the Russians I have to check, but they can always fill the suitcases with the money and runaway to Hungary, but also Hungary cannot buy oil and gas with them, the dollar's becoming toilet paper: Orban, please, more photographs of these Ukrainians running away with cash. Biden is the end of America. Biden & Co. of course. Ketanji Brown Jackson gives me a feeling of physical repulse, she's there to protect Prince Andrew, Hunter Biden, Charles and their likes: they're all in this together, to build back better their privileges, but they won't succeed. With such people as Zelensky then...

They scrapped the bottom of the barrel: they are losing every supremacy they had for greed. For money in cash in suitcases like mafia mobsters, and not now mafia mobsters now, mafia mobsters in the seventies...the greasy ones:

American ruling class... the civilized world agains Russia and China and India...