BREAKING - New Zealand High Court: Vaccine Mandate Unconstitutional

Source ZeroHedge

Big blow for Jacinda Ardern, her ccrazy-psycho-tough way of doing against Covid is finally declared unconstitutional: 

The High Court of New Zealand held that the vaccination requirement represents an infringement of the constitutional rights of New Zealanders not demonstrably justified. This vaccination obligation infringes the right to refuse a medical treatment, the right not to lose one's job and the right to manifest religious beliefs see source.

Judge Cook wrote: “The order limits the right to be free to refuse medical treatment recognized by the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act (including due to the limitation of people's right to remain employed) and limits the right to demonstrate religious beliefs for those who refuse to be vaccinated because the vaccine was tested on cells derived from a human fetus that is up to their religious beliefs, ”Cooke said. Speaking of this last sentence, it is clear that: the vaccine has been tested on fetal cells even if it does not contain fetal cells.

Big victory for us. When in Germany and Italy the non Covid deaths surpass by far the Covid deaths source F&FI

Italy - Healthcare in the hands of Minister Speranza has failed, mine are only sadly & banal two considerations: we read about people with cancer who were refused radiotherapy for a positive swab, about people refused to the emergency room because they did not have the Green Pass, of a pregnant woman, in labour, thrown out of the hospital because in labour pain she did not do the swab test before going to the hospital and of people not treated because they did not have Covid and their illness was deemed less important - less important than what? Than a cough and a line of fever?... or less important than the positive swab? - with respect for the people who had serious pneumonia the rest of the Covid was a flu and shocking headlines, some people had cancer or cardiac problems in the meantime. We have heard sadistic nurses say that the unvaccinated must not be cured and can be let die, so they learn refusing the vaccine, we have heard of stroke coming immediately after the vaccine and being categorized as "no correlation" (with the vaccine - sic ).

Germany - The estimate: "3 million people hospitalized post vaccine"

The CEO of BKK Pro Vita calculates that the number could actually be much higher: around 400,000 of their policyholders would have experienced complications following the vaccination. According to estimates by the insurance company, if the numbers were compared to the entire German population, the people hospitalized following the vaccination would be approximately 2.5 to 3 million. "An alarm signal to be taken into consideration in the vaccination campaign box", reads the letter addressed to Professor Klaus Cichutek, president of the Paul Ehrlich Institut. In practice, this means that around 4-5% of people would have needed medical treatment following vaccination. Source in Italian Byoblu