The Gun Pointed At His Head, Boris Scrapped Covid Rules, But... This Way Of Governing Is Untenable.

We love the agents, there is something wrong in the attitude of the real Tory Leaders: they want Conservative people to vote for the Tories but... they're not allowed in the room of power, they must stay behind and be stated doing the backbenchers. It's the miscalculation of Cameron: "I want the votes of the UKIP, I give them the in-out referendum, but they must lose it" which thing didn't happen, they won instead.

So there are these people of Conservatives Forward: very conservative, Christian, against gay weddings and adoption, for family, against high taxes and against the LGBT lobby, but for personal freedoms, that's the big difference with the Labour Party, but... they shouldn't enter Downing Street 10 and 11, in those rooms there has to be Carrie, with Boris, gay friendly, they have to be like the Labour but being elected with other kind of voters: the Tories' votes. 

If you want the votes of the Conservatives, you get the Conservatives elected, Boris must go for two reasons: 1) he did the wrong thing free-willingly: Covid passport, lockdown, rule of six, mask mandate, pubs closure, Vax mandate for Health Workers who know about Medicine more than he, and then 2) he did the right thing unwillingly with a gun pointed at his head he scrapped his own prison-Britain rules. 

3) Last but not least, he didn't mean to respect his own rules pretending to be Alice-Boris in Wonderland "What's going on here? Ohhh the white rabbit gives a party in my garden, let's call Carrie and drink".

You cannot go on like this, this is untenable and still he didn't remove the vax mandate for Health workers, included Doctors who know Covid and the vaccine better than he can dream to imagine with his Oxford University degree in Classic Literature. The vax mandate for Health workers is offensive because precisely Health workers know if they need a vaccine or not. It's doctors and nurses.

Mark Harper is right. This idea that Johnson can sack the doctors who don't want to get vaccinated is the world upside down: it's the doctors who have to tell Johnson the treatments he needs to take, not the other way round: the politicians sacking the doctors who don't want a jab. It's become a sick game, these very Conservatives people of Conservatives forward may win.

This is a bit like when the Britons opened up to huge muslim immigration to be compassionate and anti-racists and then wanted the muslims to be in favor of gay weddings, which is a nonsense, now you keep them the way they are, you opened the door and they entered, they never said they would be in favor of slut-culture, lgbt lobby and gay weddings when they moved to Britain, so what defines the British values? Johnson and Carrie? Smooth Mr. Baker and muscular Mark Harper? Talichad? Or the Daily Mail?

You wanted them and you have to take responsibility as Baker says " society based on freedom and responsibility" now Johnson wants a society based on "difference and privilege" like the Royals "me I can do like a 100 invitation garden party is ... I don't know what it is, I'm like a child, you instead get fined if you pay visit to one elderly friend in a care home... you're adult". You wanted them the people like Baker and now you keep them, because the DailyMail is trying sickly not to name the real rebels not to make publicity to them, according to them the ringleaders of the Cold War for making Boris swallow his vaccine-passport are two women in the Tory party, one in favor of LGBT rights and the other bisexual, their usual tax to pay to the devil, of course it's untrue. Baker will not have the support of the sick Dolphine Square's crowd but he'll have the support of Nigel Farage probably. And perhaps it will end up like Brexit; dear Cameron, he wins.

This man is the one who's fighting for your freedom, listen to this click here:

People must know they owe their freedom to men like him and the ones of the outstanding Big Brother Watch, NOT to Boris Johnson, 
Boris acted tentatively and with a gun pointed at his head and the sect the Daily Mail is paying a price to not to mention the real rebels and conservatives ordered: "It has to be a lesbian, a woman, a bisexual a Tory who endorses the LGBT rights this rebels' ringleader" and she's not, but this tells you the level of sexual corruption. 

They're scared of Steve and of Big Brother Watch and they want him in the back benches. They don't share his videos and they invent other leaders: the lesbians, the lgbt transactivists & Co. And this is corruption and they know it is. We move forward. I'd have nothing against these lgbt- friendly Tories being the freedom fighters, but simply it is not true.

Paola Distilo