Desperate Boris Johnson Allows Non UK Nationals To Vote For The Tory Premiership. I'd Vote Baker. But...

 Hallo Readers, do you want to save Britain? 

Britain under Johnson: a little dark, gloomy & poor

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Boris Johnson went so wild in his attempt to save the premiership that since he knows the Britons don't want him decided - sic - to allow non Britons living anywhere, presumably also here in Italy or there where you are Alex Jones in Texas to vote for the premiership of the British Conservative Party and we'll have to, because Boris relies a lot on the votes of left-wingers abroad to destroy classic Britain and destroy the Tory Party forever. Unless the Tories oust him and change the rule reverting it to only UK Nationals (also living abroad but they must be UK nationals) can vote for the Tory Premiership we'll have to brace ourselves and vote the best Britons for Britain and for the rest of the world and the West to say the least.

I push Tory Leaders as Steve Baker for PM, Dominic Cumming for top job and obviously John Redwood for Chancellor.

I'm not kidding this is real news: source

A detail of the astonishingly globalist new rules:

The Telegraph is very much concerned and I am against this rule but yes, if they don't change it I push for Baker at International level, I cannot leave it to the Left-wingers: Fraser, Boris doesn't deserve another chance:

The Britons deserve another chance.

When the people of your Country don't want you for PM you have to accept it and give up trying to dupe them.

He's so leftwing Boris Johnson his motto is the same as Biden's "Build Back Better" and it doesn't bring good luck. Either you change it or I organize an International Movement for Steve Baker and John Redwood.

Paola Distilo


Check what they do with this website "conservatives abroad" I don't trust them very much as someone said the cat is already out of the bag, you have destroyed Johnson's reputation and credibility and you did right, now you cannot keep him without destroying the Party's reputation and credibility. Find another.