CORE PATRIOTS To WRITE IN: Flynn-Gabbard On The Ballot 2024 - A Force For Good -

Gen Flynn & Tulsi Gabbard for President and Vice President of the United States 2024

Michael Thomas Flynn for President and Tulsi Gabbard for Vice-President. Here it is, I've just come out with two big names, a power couple for the US Election 2024: Flynn-Gabbard may be President and Vice President of the United States: uncompromising, clean, former Democrats when the Democratic Party was still clean, had the courage to abandon it when it got dirty: Patriots, both served in the Military, Flynn reached the rank of Lieutenant General and Gabbard of  Lieutenant Colonel.

Here's their military service's cards: first's Flynn's and second Tulsi's:

Military card of Michal Thomas Flynn                       Military Card of Tulsi Gabbard

I want them, they can take the votes of the Centre-Right, of the Patriots, of the Christians, of the deluded Democrats deluded by defund the police, by the Squad and the entire anti-patriotic new shape of the Party, and obviously the votes of the Military. I think Alex Jones and David Icke may like them.  I had previously thought of Randal Paul or Ron DeSantis or also Glenn Youngkin, but if GOP chooses Trump for us it is "a no go zone", and Ron and Rand or Glenn may not wish to campaign against Donald. The only one who may wish to campaign against him is good old Mitch McConnell (Trump hates him) a lot depends on the Republican primaries, if they do them. Flynn-Gabbard would be a perfect couple, we can make them win. They would bring Snowden home and do many good things for the world, it would be a new era, a shining one.

Paola Distilo