Switzerland No More Safe Haven For The Globalists. Also They Have The Health Pass.

Swiss Flag on an Important Building


And also Switzerland is gone.

There's no safe place "where to run" if you have a lot of money anymore. Also Nathaniel Rothschild and Klaus Schwab will have to show a Health Pass with proof of vaccination if they want to enter a bar or a pub in the stupidly expensive country.

A part of me was unhappy when I saw the result of the vaccine passport Referendum, because I'm against it, but suddenly another part of me was happy: they deserve it, the Swiss. Every leftwing rich one that breaks the balls in Italy or UK has a Swiss passport, DeBenedetti, Nat Rothschild, Klaus Schwab is a German but lives in Switzerland too, a man who financed the no-border movement in the USA was found out by Laura Ingraham to be a Swiss billionaire residing in Switzerland where the borders were closed, the Davos Comic Global Forum they do it in Switzerland, ok. The idea that Switzerland is a Right-wing Country that provides a safe haven for far-left billionaires who organize the NWO everywhere else but where they live (there) is over: also Schwab must have the Health Pass and he must have it. There's no safe place where to run. Now they can really go and hide in their bunkers...what an idiocy: to be rich and to wish to live in a bunker. And they do.

The Health Pass will ruin Swiss tourist season, will damage pubs bars and restaurants and hotels and the population will weaken away because of the vaccines. 

ZeroHedge hints that the Swiss wanted to go on with their wicked scheme of voting Right-wing but hosting the far-left billionaires and God put an end to this: perhaps because they legalized gay weddings, perhaps yesterday I thought, if it is true that the vaccines have sterilization as a side effect, it's a punishment for legalizing abortion, when the Black immigrants will outnumber the Whites then abortion must be back illegal, every woman will be forced to keep her babies, or the Whites will extinguish themselves. ZeroHedge is hinting that the postal vote was rigged. Take it in the bottom you too, Swiss, now you are left-wing like the others.

I am against the postal vote: with the vote in person the Right wins, with the postal vote the Left wins, I want to abolish the postal vote and I don't give a damn about the left-wingers. I want to win.

Bye bye