First Jack, Then, Please, Rand, Come Back: Either You or Ron. We don't want any Trump.

Two words about Jack Dorsey and why Warp Speed must be outlawed and drugs companies must follow the previous protocol of security before putting drugs on the market. Warp Speed is something that makes Trump non-re electable. He had to leave us in peace, we had Rand and we had to stick to Rand. Stop, buffoons. Yes, I know it's my fault too, me culpa, mea culpa...mea maxima culpa.

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Rand had the endorsement of Infowars and of Mitch McConnell now clearly this means the range of voters went from Kill-The-Fed anti-NWO free guns like Alex Jones and the most conservative reassuring politicians as Mitch. He could win, and Trump jumped jealous and thought that he could do it too. With Rand we would have no Warp Speed and better picks at least for the CDC. It's my fault I know, but I don't want to do it again. Or else Ron DeSantis, but for President not for Vice of Trump, perhaps for Vice of Rand, that would be perfect.