COVID VACCINE: Informed Consent? It's the Pact With The Devil of Dr. Faust

Italian Catholic Right-wing author Maurizio Blondet says Draghi is a Luciferian, like Schwab

Byoblu page with the original interview

Michele Crudelini: "We went to the home of the journalist and writer Maurizio Blondet to talk about current events. Prime Minister Draghi received the German engineer Klaus Schwab, the creator of the Great Reset, with full honors.

According to Blondet, this project is very well underway in Italy, now sponsored by the same institutions. Italy would even be an outpost of the Great Reset, while in other countries, such as the United States, the population is not willing to see fundamental rights compressed.

Blondet then addressed the issue of vaccine adverse effects, in particular permanent effects and the informed consent paradox."

Mr. Maurizio Blondet is a catholic right-wing intellectual, author and journalist who discredeted the Illuminati and the new wave of Catholicism so open to "the other" as to actually betray Jesus Christ, but let alone this, he talks seriously of luciferian environments inside the Catholic Church and the Politics, mainly he covers the Italian scene but he also reads and writes about the outside world. Now evidently Draghi is a Luciferian, his obsession that the vaccine in Italy is not mandatory but, without vaccination-proof you cannot enter a bar, a pub and take the high speed train, plus, to work you must do a swab test every two days, every 48 hours, whereas even in California the swab test sets you free for one week, and many people innocently or suspiciously ask "But why doesn't he make the vaccine mandatory"? because according to the Italian Constitution vaccine mandate means if someone has the collateral effects it's the person who mandated the vaccines' fault, instead Draghi wants the Italians to sign a paper where they say "they recognize the collateral effects of the vaccines, they accept some of them are unknown and they sign under their responsibility that they want to be vaccinated" according to Blondet this is the pact with the devil: it must be your fault, you accept willingly the slow suicide process of the collateral effects - that according to catholicism  or at least to classic catholicism is a sin - and you accept to be cured with aborted fetuses which is again a sin.

Draghi according to Blondet wants your soul, you must say yes, but since many Italians would say "No" he uses the mob rule: I ruin your life until you accept getting vaccinated and you sign the paper when you say you want it.

Translation of my article in Italian:

Informed consent? It is here, and it is an insult, because when a doctor orders me a medicine that can also have serious side effects, similar to those described in the informed consent of the vaccine, I do not have to sign any informed consent: it is the doctor instead who signs the prescription and who has the legal responsibility if I die, it's him who has the University degree in Medicine, not me. Here it is the Pfizer Vaccine informed Consent for the Italians in PDF


I have read, it was illustrated to me in a known language and I have fully understood the Information Note in Annex 1, of which I am receiving a copy.

I have truthfully filled out and reviewed with the Healthcare Personnel the Anamnestic Card in Annex 2.

In the presence of two Health Professionals assigned to vaccination, I asked questions about the vaccine and my state of health, obtaining comprehensive and understood answers.

I have been correctly informed in clear words, I have understood the benefits and risks of vaccination, the modalities and therapeutic alternatives, as well as the consequences of a possible refusal or renunciation of completing the vaccination with the second dose.

Other Quote: "The list of overexposed adverse reactions is not exhaustive of all possible side effects that may occur while taking the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

If you experience any undesirable effects not listed, please inform your doctor immediately.

9. You cannot contract the COVID-19 disease following the administration of the vaccine because the inoculated RNAm cannot induce replication of the virus.

10. Long-range damage cannot currently be predicted.


In short, you can read it all, I linked it to you and it means this: you are agreeing to be Pfizer's guinea pig, but you have to do it by force, if you don't do it, you won't be able to work unless you do a swab test at your own expenses every 2 days, and if you are not rich or have other economic possibilities, probably you won't eat. Not only that, after having thrown away the money for the citizenship income now they force people to take responsibility for a vaccine that they do not know and cannot know as  being non-doctors and non-pharmacists. The responsibility must lie with the doctor and pharmacist, not with the patient who does not have these degrees.

My father makes me angry because he says "The other medicines also have side effects, some of them serious, it's written on the leaflet." YES, but Jesus! dad, a medicine is only taken with a written prescription by a doctor and not for your own personal decision precisely for this reason, you don't take a drug by signing the informed consent unless you are a willing and paid test person, it's not that if you don't accept to be Pfizer and Moderna test person you can't take the tram in Milan or the train Naples - Rome, it's not the same thing. So in the case of prescription drugs, it is the doctor who is responsible, in fact it's the doctor that signs the prescription, not you. All these whores who are RAI journalists and tell everyone to get vaccinated what degrees do they have?

Is that fine? And I asked you if it's okay. Because I think I was clear enough.