Tom Cotton Unleashed Vs. AG Garland for the Trans-girl raping the Real Girl in the School's Bathroom.

Republican Senator Thomas Bryant Cotton, the man of the day

Source MSN

It's all over the media and the press Tom Cotton's reprimand against Democrat AG Garland for the shameful use of.. the FBI against parents who object to CRT and to the trans-agenda in schools, even a parent who got outraged for the sick rape of his really feminine  daughter by a trans-girl that Cotton coldly calls "a boy in girl's clothes", well it's like the Democrats want to defund the Police and then send the FBI everywhere even where honestly the FBI has nothing to do, the FBI should be against international weapons trade, against the Narcos, for a parent who beats and harasses a professor (and rightly so, this time) in a school it's the local Police that eventually has to be called to put back order in town and not the FBI because as Cotton says these are no terrorists, these are rightly outraged American citizens, and for a school board  that allows trans-girls enter the girls' restrooms there should be jail. But the left-wing members of the school boards go on pushing both CRT and the gay & trans agenda, sad news of today is that a primary school class was brought to visit a gay bar in Florida. They are like sewage coming out of the broken manholes in towns these left-wingers. Incredible the discussion on whether the FBI can be sent to investigate conservative parents.
Perhaps Glenn Youngkin will win the election in Virginia as we all hope, God bless - this rape case was dismissed by Obama the disgusting monster as pumped up by the Right, it's disgusting, the rape case is "pumped up", but an angry parent shouting at the professors who are negligent deserves the FBI, as I told you, more than one person think the Top Democrats are all psychopaths, Obama included, someone stop them. Cotton, according to some is looking for his dramatic moment at Fox News, but I see him honest. Perhaps he'll be Defense Secretary in some time.