Ohhh to Have Elon On Our Side: cause he can't stand taxes. Good the same. At this point.

Screenshot from FoxBusiness


So you learn voting Kanye West, I knew it was useless, the only way was to endorse the Republican Party and put your gigantic expertise at the service of the good old conservative Centre Rightwing GOP.

See Elon? There it goes your endorsement for Kanye West. Mitch McConnell would be better.

Elon Musk attacks Biden’s unrealized gains tax — as his wealth soars.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk slammed President Biden’s proposed tax on billionaires’ unrealized gains, which would target ultra-wealthy entrepreneurs like Musk and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. 

Musk — who saw his wealth soar Monday by more than $36 billion to bring his net worth to a whopping $289 billion — attacked the Democratic tax plan on Twitter Monday evening.

Responding to a tweet that urged people to write to their political representatives in protest of the proposal, Musk said, “Exactly. Eventually, they run out of other people’s money and then they come for you.”

The proposal, which would likely apply to fewer than 1,000 of the nation’s wealthiest citizens, would tax unrealized gains on billionaires’ assets, like stocks and real estate. People’s ownership in stocks is currently only taxed when they decide to sell.


From the Daily Mail:

The very idea that I endorse the Republicans while Elon Musk endorses Kanye West and Mark Zuckerberg the Democrats, let alone Jeff Bezos, is ridiculous, why don't they "gut up" put some gutsy attitude in their super rich lives and stand for the Centre-Rightwing Party? Not just voting, when it is about Elon I expect much more than voting I expect blocking the hackers against the GOP official website this one

or exposing the election fraud Zuckerberg and Soros put in place for Biden, Harris, Obama and Nancy Pelosi, come on Elon you're intelligent enough. Jesus said who had 5 talents must give 10, who has 1 must give at least 2, you have 5 or near to 5.
It's not just about Trump: it can be Rand Paul, against the vaccines and against the lockdown - and you are against the vaccines and against the lockdown - it can be Ron DeSantis, it can be Greg Abbott - you chose to move to Texas - it can be Youngkin instead of McAuliffe in Virginia: you do whatever the hell you like, but don't tell me you're waiting for a tea with Her Majesty The Reptilian Queen and this is why you don't want to stand up with the Right, certain masons, perhaps all masons, you must abandon them, see what Fauci did to the puppies, it's that type of people, and David Icke said they do it also to people and to children in cruel Illuminati rituals what Fauci did to the puppies, it's called satanism. They say so in Britain. Do something until you can, and if you do it "for a few dollars more" it's ok, it's America.