GOOD NEWS: Italy Struck Down The Hate Speech Laws

Senate of the Italian republic before the vote about the hate speech laws, aka the Ddl Zan  that went down

By secret vote the very controversial, let alone if divisive, Zan Bill was taken down. That bill would have legalized the hate speech laws in Italy adding the right for LGBT lobby people of doing taxpayer funded tours of Italian schools, both the State schools and even the minoritarian catholic private schools, to teach about trans-phobia and homophobia, the bill was so extreme even the Italian lesbian association had asked to split the part about the gays from the part about the trans, because they notoriously don't agree with one another, many lesbians say trans-women are no real women, then the request of Mr. Letta, the President of the Italian Democratic Party, to water down the bill and do a concession to the Right that was refused by the tough promoters, then the refusal of an amendment to let alone the schools and eliminate the concept of "gender identity" done by female MP Julia Unterbeger representative of a Senate minority group that gathers the Italian linguistic minorities: German, French and Slavic, that live in independent provinces at the border with Austria, France and ex Jugoslavia, well after Zan the promoter refused all types of calls for cooling down the bill, luckily and happily for us the bill wasn't passed. So, hallelujah, no hate speech laws in Italy and no equivalence between trans-women and women, trans-men and men or civil unions among gays and lesbians with marriage between a man and a woman, at the moment they cannot adopt children and cannot censor the anti gay opinions as hate speech. And this is a very good thing. Thanks Zan for not compromising, it was a rather extreme bill and everybody had smelled "it won't pass".

Alessandro Zan the loser with his flags

This is a very good thing, because as we had the sad opportunity to see where the likes of this Ddl against homo-transphobia were approved, things did go from wrong to very wrong.  So extreme even lesbians don't appreciate and actually, as the news tell us, their very worst nightmare came true: that a little girl was raped by a trans-girl actually a boy who declared himself "gender fluid" in the bathroom of the school, and for that monster of Barack Hussein Obama this is not worthy attention "it's the right-wing media who do the fuss" and spends time looking for reasons to remind people how often they have said the n* word in the past, according to Tucker he's pitiless and he is:

You may not like the lesbians and their extreme fear of men and of being raped by a man, but actually they were right: these people declare themselves "gender-fluid" which means they may return male-straight when they are in the bathroom with a girl and then return "women" when they exit, I have written about it, we cannot put this level of extreme sexual identity problems and aggressiveness problems in the bathroom of the girls. Obama doesn't care, he doesn't care about this rape and he doesn't care about Bill Clinton's abuse and Hunter Biden's abuses, they are just hypocritical about rape and women's rights the Democrats, and people have understood that. They're all Hillaries Clintons: the enabler of the abuse.