We make a Pact With The CIA and propose to them Prince as Leader of the Republican Party and Stop With the NWO.

escaping the eyes the CIA agent

We make a pact with the CIA and the Military Complex or Industrial Military Complex.

I am being serious. I don't want to be misunderstood, we drop Trump and choose a CIA asset Right-wing leaning as new Republican leader and my eyes fell of Erik Prince. And the pact is to stop the New World Order. Close the border stop the LGBT bullying and destroy CRT.

It's a bit "USA Unmasked": this is what you are as a Country, this is what you do and that's your worthy President.

"If you take a life do you know what you give, odds are you won't like what it is" so sang Christopher Cornell as Bond Movie theme "You know my name"

In the end Prince didn't do anything much different than the agent with license to kill, he did it for the CIA instead doing it for Her Majesty and he was pissed off that his name only his name was leaked "for political reasons" to the press because he's a Republican and not a Democrat, under Obama who anyway used Blackwater for many operations also during his Presidency. 

Disclosure as part of a covert CIA task force[edit]

Prince was part of a CIA task force created to engage in targeted killings of suspected terrorists. Prince alleged that the House intelligence congressional committee leaked his name to the press.[33] Prince has said that he is convinced that former CIA director Leon Panetta revealed him as a CIA asset, after shutting down the covert CIA training operation in 2009.[18]

Proposed cooperation with the Wagner group and activities in Libya[edit]

In April 2020, the Intercept reported that Prince has offered his services as a subcontractor to Russian Wagner group's activities in Mozambique and Libya, suggesting to provide aerial surveillance platforms and a ground force.[41] Investigations by Rolling Stone and The New York Times, based on an internal United Nations report, have since revealed a number of connections between Prince and the Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar's attempts in 2019 to overthrow the U.N.-backed government of Libya.[75][76]


Apropos of this proposed cooperation in Libya let's not forget that it was Obama and Clinton treated like Saints by the leftwing press to destroy Libya completely,  Prince reintroduced himself for the reconstruction, then you can read what's written on Wikipedia, it's all warlords, targeting terrorists, selling guns, to the good ones, to the bad ones, to whoever asked him for guns, training soldiers and doing wars, other than rescuing the civilians trapped in the war & withdrawal generated crisis. And perhaps this is what the USA really are, only Vogue knows that Obama is better than this, he isn't, he peculiarly avoids not the wars or the selling of guns but the rescuing of the trapped civilians.

In 2016 Prince financed Trump's campaign so he is a sovereignist and we come together. WE dismiss Trump who wanted to close the CIA and you stop rigging the election for the Democrats.

We place a man of yours in the White House as Leader of the Republican Party and you give us three things:

Close the border and repatriate the illegals.

Stop CRT.

Stop the LGBT bullying.

IT was wrong on Trump's side to say that he is against Washington, I don't know why he said that, perhaps to please Alex Jones's readers but we must exit the Kennedy point of view "Since I'm a communist and Vogue puts my wife and my lover on the cover, then the CIA is the bad ones" we are not communists. And we don't give a damn about Anna Wintour.

We do the Republican Primaries now, stop the continuous rigging the election in favour of the Dems, Prince is 2 things on your side: CIA asset and Military Complex asset and 3 things on our side Centre-Rightwing, christian and hopefully against the open border. I don't see any other merging figure.

In the end selling guns, doing wars, undercover operations this is what the USA really are and really do, I can't see a better President for that. It's USA unmasked: this is what you are, this what you do and that's your President.


I had forgotten: stop the vaccine and put Bourla in his place. 
