Italian Former Minister Castelli: "I'm a dead man walking for the vaccine".

Italian Former Minister of Justice Roberto Castelli said he would think twice before getting vaccinated now that he has thrombosis high risks

The people who resign and renounce the job for the sake of not getting vaccinated are right. Biden's a zombie, Obama and Harris are liars, what do you want, in Italy a former Senator and Minister of Justice, so an important person, allied of Matteo Salvini, just gave the news to the TV Station La7 "I'm a dead man walking for the vaccine" source La7 I translate from the video interview: 

"Former Minister Roberto Castelli reveals the problems he had after the covid vaccine: "I am a victim of the vaccine, I am at a very high risk of thrombosis. Now I would think twice even if I am not no vax, I am a dead man walking". He then added that his wife got Covid, healed has natural immunity and feels very well instead.

I am appalled at Castelli insisting he is not a no vaxxer, what do you want more? Me, I am a no vaxxer, I feel fine and everything seems just a way to chip people. 

Biden understands about vaccines as much as he understands about the border or Afghanistan withdrawal, you know, you have no Leader, the West has no Leader, we do what we like. Just like them, they also did what they liked, legal or not, mainly not. Think for yourself. These are the consequences of rigging the election and not arresting the fucking postal service men when they rigged it, don't use them, sack them, kill them when they show off in your home. I despise the USPS. And I despise also Fox for selling vaccines, we don't want them.