BLM's Cancel Carmine becomes Cancel de Blasio, it should become Cancel Biden.

BLM Leader Chivona Newsome against Carmine

The anti-Covid vaccination program is a problem, the vaccines have a lot of side effects and unvaccinated people are better off than the vaccinated ones, people who get Covid light or even asymptomatic develop very strong durable anti-bodies, the only problem is the people who get Covid in the very last stage form with the respiratory crisis but they are very few after all, moreover it is reported from many Countries from Italy to the USA to Israel that certain deaths marked as "Covid death" they were of people who had no Covid, they were sold as Covid deaths but they died for other reasons, a rabbi in Israel said the nurses asked the family "can we say he's dead for Covid?" as if they earned something from it, they didn't even know it, they didn't even check, also in Italy as I report in my previous article there are first hand witnessing of relatives dead and passed for Covid deaths without checking, or the other way round, people who died after the vaccine they say "it's not the vaccine, he died 'after' the vaccine but nor 'for' the vaccine" and so.

Cancel Carmine was an idiocy, because Carmine was applying a New York law, and it was applying it to everybody, I'm not sure Carmine was targeting black people, we saw the scenes in NY of two white texan guys who were refused entry in a restaurant just the same for they didn't want to show the vaccination status, or notoriously they did it to blond blue eyed Fox journalist Bill Hemmer, but the Black Lives Matter like to say "it's against the Blacks".

The new version is that they have to cancel Bill de Blasio, that's better:

The problem is that the BLM are very divisive otherwise they wouldn't have any sense, in reality Carmine is a victim of DeBlasio and of Hochul, this horrible woman, and finally of Joe Biden, in Italy the restaurateurs who refused to check the vaccine passports of the clients were arrested, fined, forced to close the restaurant, it's a horrible disgusting thing and I mean, I know what kind and what level of criminality there is in Italy, they do the tough guys against the people who don't want the vaccine, it's disgusting. Cancel Biden. And cancel Draghi.