I'm Back At It: Both Spiritual & Materialistic

My Profile Photo For This Website / Rectangular

You must have noticed I'm back at linking Bible Search Websites and Kabalah and Numerology etc. I had given up, partial excuse because how many widgets I can add on the website it depends on the Theme; then apart from Kabalah and Numerology that are clearly for all, in fact there's no restriction or behavioral standard required, as for the Bible I had decided to give up, due to the fact that the website is very aggressive, politically focused, pro freedom of speech even when you're over the top, sarcastic if necessary and there's Hard Rock, more than Conservative, I've always said "it's Right-wing".

It is my deepest opinion but, that during these times where we have probably - and I say probably - a Satanist in Chief as President of the USA and many satanists in high roles, it's better to try and attract God's blessing, so we go back to basics, I am not a Religionist and I would feel bored in having a website for prayers and Bible only, I prefer to introduce everything here, both Rock and Scriptures, mocks and mercy. I am one. My life is one. God have mercy on me if at times the website happens to look blaspheme. Therefore my theory: Religion is for all, not for Saints only, otherwise, who needs it?

I chose for the English website this very chic King James Bible's website.

For the Italian website I chose a link to a Bible on Line - actually three - obviously in Italian, so it's another.

Don't accept candies from unknown people, girls.
