COVID Vaccines Work Like Poison, literally, the blood solidifies so the clots, the dizziness, the lack of oxygen in the body, eventually the death.

human blood after Moderna shot

human blood before and after the Pfizer shot

Now we know why the people who get the Covid vaccines are at higher risk of blood clots, dizziness, paralysis or extreme lack of energy: the vaccines literally work like a poison for the blood and make it create conglomerates, obstructions etc. And the blood has the function to bring oxygen to the cells of the body so there is less oxygen in the body and the people feel dizzy, have lack of concentration, memory, or they faint or, due to the solidification, have clots that may block entirely a vein and they die or have paralysis, according to the official description of a vaccine these Pfizer, Moderna shots are no vaccines, they are poisons:


Source DavidIcke 

Don't take the shot, check your antibodies and rely on Regeneron or monoclonal antibodies for the early treatment, by now the population should be auto-immune, I was laughing when I read that the Afghans in Italy and USA are suddenly jabbed at the airport, is it a pandemic or not? It's two years they live in Afghanistan without masks and certainly without lockdown, how's that as soon as they land to Italy or to the USA "they may get Covid" isn't there any in Afghanistan? Wasn't it a pandemic? What buffoons.
