We can discuss whether cops are too bold and uncontrollable for the NWO, it is very difficult to control the hierarchy, it's not that super cops come from Yale or Oxbridge.

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I don't know whether it is a silly theory, this war of the Illuminati against the Police covered as anti-racism, I think it breaks their total control attempt, fundamentally the hierarchy in the Police is much more difficult to control than the hierarchy in Politics, in certain Countries like the USA and Britain if you control four or five Universities you control the next Prime Minister and Defense Chancellor of the Exchequers, top cops who can arrest the most powerful men in New York or London may likely not come form Yale, Harvard or Oxbridge, it's very difficult to penetrate the hierarchy because there's a lot of hard job to do and for years. A couple of years ago before defund the police even started they had tried in Britain to introduce non-cops in the Offices of the Police to just go there and give the orders but the move was blocked.

moreover jobs that entail the use of guns and  in the defense sector embolden a lot.