Newsom is crazy, whether you like Ose or another, please RECALL: CA gives away $ 116.5 Mln in cash presents to vaccinated people ...?...


If in your opinion this is normal policy, Gavin Newsom is distributing money in cash presents to... people who got vaccinated to push the Californians who might be No Vax to do it.  But this is absurd and a waste of public money, never seen before. All the Democrats are bad, and they want to keep the Americans calm, after what they did to steal the election, by giving away money, tax-money, hard earned and then taxed money; they are destroying America: they raise taxes and then distribute public money as giveaways to people for doing nothing.

I beg you to recall Newsom and basically to recall Biden-Harris too, the latest scandal about Biden Harris' contempt for America is Kamala Harris's visit to the Army, she talked to soldiers as if they were solar panel construction workers, and not soldiers, warriors, men of defense and security: she's crazy.

She was in the wrong place, she used the speech for the solar panel workers for the soldiers:

These two people didn't win any election, are two thieves, oust them. People don't want woke Kamala who feels embarrassed in talking to the soldiers and pretends they are not soldiers, like a crazy, people want Ron as President:

In the meantime in California you can already put an end to the blue wave power of the Democratic Party: here's the latest interview with the Governor Challenger Doug Ose:

 He says Californians want to change and are very positive about his program. Good luck to you Doug and go winning.