Is it possible to recall Biden? I am being serious, to vote again in 2022 for President and Congress.

 Biden is sleepy, Kamala Harris doesn't oversee the border, the border with Mexico is open, Lloyd Austin "the General"cannot get a meeting with the Chinese counterpart but he can get the ADL, the damned, infamous ADL, to spy on military personnel for their view, to fight white supremacists etc.

Jill Biden is an idiotic personality who had sent Kamala Harris to go fuck herself "After what Joe is doing, after what he is standing for..." what is Joe doing? What is Joe standing for, madam?  Open borders? LGBTQ+ and the bitch of your mother? More abortion? Check the soldiers' language, defund the Police, the Capitol is closed, the National Guard has gone and in Georgia they count again the votes link Infowars There was big wide voter fraud but some Judges are tentative, they're scared, there's always the recall tool.

Why don't we organize a Biden Recall, how many signatures do they need? Other three years and a half like this it's too long, America will be gone, and we don't want to shoot him. Recall Biden, we may vote for the Recall and the new President in 2022 together with the new Congress or even in 2021 together with California Recall Election.

Either we organize it as a Recall Election or as a classic one; the two questions:

1) Do you want to recall President Biden?

2) If yes, with whom do you want to substitute him?

a)Trump, b)Abbott, c)DeSantis, d)Bush and others if they want try, I don't know a trans and a lady.

What's happening is too big. Too devastating and too weak at the same time. In L.A. they are recalling District Attorney Gascon, the Democrat who wants to shut down the anti-crime anti-narcos Unit. Good, for them more Narcos, more gangs is better than the damned white (and black) cops, it goes without saying Gascon is another effing leftwing white who claims he wants to shut down the anti-narcos Unit "for the blacks" too embarrassing to say you want to do it for yourself? Another Natalie Portman ... "as a white woman I feel protected but for the poor nig... pardon, blacks I want to defund the Police, you know, they're not as cute as I, cops don't like them, me they're at my feet"

We get rid of Newsom of Gascon and then of Biden, without shooting, he's no Kennedy, he's not JFK he doesn't deserve it, neither for the good things nor for the bad ones.

See you back in 2022?