CIA, Mossad, Jeffrey Epstein, Trump, Murdoch, The Italian communists: we actually know everything and we don't know precisely what to do with it.

Charles Bronfman, I know this name, or as Don Abbondio in the Promised Spouses would say "This name is not new to me".

No it isn't, and it is not new to many people, all the powerful ones above 40, if you can be really powerful below 40, perhaps yes.

Another day, another revealing website full of truths, and it is a good one, full of detailed truths: Unlimited Hangout with Whitney Webb and I don't know what to do with it, with all these truths. I have to unlock my fantasy. There are too many involved people in the series of corruption, so many that too many people also well intentioned are subject to actual black mail or potential black mail, if we do justice we can wire all Washington DC and do a big jail of it.

But this cannot be the solution. Is perhaps the very opposite the solution? We give a big amnesty.

It's too embarrassing to give an amnesty for these types of crimes, you better pretend they don't exist, if you give an amnesty you shame yourself and declare forgivable what's unforgivable.

You may give up fighting, close the Country and do the NWO. But you don't like it. 

Many of those names in the Epstein's series are not new to us.

When In Italy the Judges started arresting politicians, the politicians of the Italian Communist Party sent Giorgio Napolitano to talk directly to Mr. Spectre, pardon, Charles Bronfman via a Rockefeller and a powerful one, Bronfman President of the World Jewish Council didn't ask seemingly things for Israel but asked Napolitano to implement the New World Order in Italy or else the Italian Judges - sic - in Milan - sic - would arrest him. This is the net, the entity of the net, this is why I suggest that you never enter freemasonry, they will probably ask you/impose to you to damage your Country - with these Jews related to Reagan, related to the Italian Communists, related to everybody who has a bit of money in the bank and finally related to high ranking Knights of Malta ambiguous people who run charities and rape children therefore to the Vatican, it's a horrible Spectre, it's not just the Mossad, it's the Mossad, top Jews, and the Vatican and the idea of these Vatican led UN agencies "to help children" where there are pedophiles who rape the children they should help. 

It's a monstrosity, a total monstrosity.

Try and read this just to get a sample of the Net: Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad:


Seemingly the Vatican and Israel are running the NWO, helped by the European Royals, the British on top of the club of Royals.

Such beasts as Bronfman, the B'Nai B'Rith with its claw ADL they want the NWO and they gather at their table everybody that counts included Trump and Murdoch, then offer human sweets: girls, possibly underage so everybody can be blackmailed, in other cases boys, or children. But seriously no man today can really be blackmailed with a female adult lover, women are more used as spies, they sleep with the man that was targeted to be spied and get information they couldn't get elsewhere and tell whom sent them there, the big drama is children or underage girls, because it is disgusting in the first case and illegal in the second even if the underage girl looks like a woman.

So the Vatican with these Jewish monsters as Bronfman run a pedophile ring - who would say it about people who do vows of chastity poverty and obedience at thirty or twenty-five? Can you remember the way you felt sexually at twenty-five? imagine the level of frustration and deviation - and an associated blackmailing ring, with Reagan and the White House, George HW Bush in the middle and the CIA using porn and child porn and love nest full of cameras to blackmail everybody that fell.

It's all people our heroes are tied to.

George P. Bush, Murdoch, Trump they are tied to this, but for their boldness I'd say they didn't fall.

It's already enough.

Even Alex Jones said basically he is scared of entering a hotel room, and he has to, Trump said that too, because of the cameras, because of the spying net.

The monstrosity of Bronfman, the ADL and the B'Nai B'Rith tied to the Likud is that they don't really just ask help for Israel, they want help for the NWO; why did they ask Lachlan Murdoch with an open letter to sack Tucker Carlson? Because Tucker, a good American, doesn't want mass illegal immigration to the USA? These Jewish Beasts wanted him sacked, it wasn't enough that Fox is pro Israel? Is it just a game of role or is it real? Also to the Italians, Bronfman asked to dismantle the Italian Nation-State and help the NWO, didn't ask very much about Israel. ? .


The trap may be psychological: they're all corrupted, they're all he same they were all friends of Jeffrey, they're all in this together and you don't go to vote because it's all the same: it's not all the same just the same instead, because the Republicans close the border, slash taxes and reject the entire gender anthropology, do not wish to lower the age of consent, leave freedom of speech.

Their sins may be lighter.