Amazon's Amazon Studios in the hands of Jeff Bezos and Jennifer Salke are producing a lot of "Italian" movies, all mafia and crime and prostitution.

Jeff Bezos and Jennifer Salke of Amazon and Amazon Studios don't sound particularly Italian names but they are investing (unfortunately) in Italy, they are paying sick Italian writers to write mafia stories and crime & prostitution stories and selling them through Amazon as "Italian movies" they may mind their fucking businesses these fucking leftwing jews who run California studios:

From The Hollywood Reporter

I just copy & paste, this is the shit they want to produce, their culture - then you wonder why they want to defund the police, this is the people who defund the police and make the movies where the criminals and prostitutes are the protagonists and don't even remain in California, they go around the world to see if they can fund local shit too, so this is their project for Italy:

I can't stand these people who try to play the Italians, it's all about mafia and crime and rough people, also Roberto Saviano the author of Gomorra is a Jew. I'd like to know why they don't make movies about themselves the Jews. They are ruining California culturally and politically and not sated they go around investing money trying to glamorize the devil. They are certainly not working with the most innovative talents in Italy, they are looking for Italian names to write down vulgar mafia stories and say "It's the Italians who do this" it's untrue, they are finding the "pennivendolo" pennivendolo in Italian means "a pen for sale" an author who writes what you pay him to write and puts the signature.
This is my signature "Paola Distilo" and I'm Italian really and I don't like these fucking leftwing California Jews obsessive with glamourizing mafia, everybody knows Israel is the number 1 producer of ecstasy and perhaps they like mafia for this reason. When they have defunded the Police in California, shoot them.