Derek Chauvin Trial: another reason to - still - watch Fox News.

 We were angry with them, because they played by another playbook, at a certain point they denied voter fraud took place, and sacked Lou Dobbs, not even if he had criticized Meghan Markle, these poor journalists are the pain in the neck of the potent people, I think they have a special telephone number of Rupert Murdoch to ask him to sack this and that journalist, Murdoch is probably quite good as a boss, and it's everything we have in the mainstream media, Lachlan yesterday or two days ago I visualized Lachlan Murdoch as Aeneas bringing on his shoulder the old father Anchise  running away from a burning Troy, and then Rupert Murdoch is so proud he could even be offended for this.

Still we have reasons to watch Fox News and one of the reason is they report professionally and in a quite cold minded way the trial of Derek Chauvin, George Floyd's assassin, whereas the others they are focused on everything but the trial, everything, the riots, the bad Trumpists but not the selection of the jury or the trial, this is like the summer of hot riots in the North West, particularly Portland, Seattle and only Fox and Twitter reporting while "the Playbook" of Nancy Pelosi was to deny anything was happening, we never really understood what went on and why the DHS in the hands of two right-wingers, Chad Wolf and Ken Cuccinelli, just didn't work, now, yes, we want to know what's going on at the trial, to see a bit of institutions working in this Troy burning, so we check Fox News