Accusations of racism misused to promote voter Fraud, why the Democrats must be stopped. Together with their rubbish bills.

Article with Video from Fox News - unfortunately on this platform Fox-News-links don't work ed. notes -

Ben Carson says it is racist to declare racist the voter ID requirement, it implies black people or minority people are too stupid even to get and show an ID card.

It is a bit nauseating to have always to talk about racism, lately even to be “colour blind” aka to treat the blacks and the whites the same way like “you don’t see the colour” according to the left-wingers is racism no matter if the majority of the black people who talked about it said clearly that’s their preferred attitude, but the left-wingers don’t seem to care about the real Black people they are up to something, something else that is clearly and sadly: to destroy the Country, all Countries, they want to pull down the borders end of, so they are pissed of by the likes of Ben Carson and they even were accused of rigging the election against Republican black candidates who didn’t identify as victims of racism, like some veterans, “cocky”, proud, they don’t like this, these kind of candidates don’t want to pull down the borders and don’t like drugs, so New York and Oregon Democrats-led are full of drugs and the Police is de-empowered, I believe without voter fraud they would lose also in California and in the State of New York, no one gives a shit about Newsom, Cuomo, DeBlasio and Ocasio Cortez, or Garcetti or Ted Wheeler for that. The dismissal of the S1 Bill to impose ballot harvesting and two weeks early voting and actually to give them time to organize the frauds, fraud after fraud, here’s the real fight: the Dems as you can check in the linked Fox video called voter suppression even cancelling the names of dead people from the voter roll: to stop voter fraud for them is "voter suppression" they are damningly in bad faith, this battle of the election system and the election rule must be won. Then the Americans will be free to choose, really.

Ted Cruz's well put opinion:

Republican Party Official anti voter-fraud-enabling S1 Bill Publicity: